As one of the leading independent test laboratories in North America, Experior Labs is recognized for its superior customer service, consistent on-time delivery, project management by experts and end-to-end accountability.
NEWS - Momentus Space
Momentus Completes Vibration Testing of Vigoride 6 Orbital Service Vehicle to launch on SpaceX Transporter 7 mission
NEWS - Expanded Capabilities
Experior Labs is excited to announce the introduction of two new custom slip tables, which will equip all three T4000 shakers with T-Film bearing technology and are housed in our 11,000sft vibration high bay
NEWS - Astroforge
The Astroforge ODIN Spacecraft recently underwent a vibration test to ensure it can withstand the intense forces and mechanical stresses experienced during launch and ascent
NEWS - SpaceX Ride-Share Program
SpaceX Ride-Share Program satellite component and systems qualification and testing
NEWS - Astro Digital
Astro Digital completes Thermal Vacuum and Direct Field Acoustic Noise Test Campaign on Deployable Solar Array.
NEWS - Firefly Aerospace
Firefly Aerospace completed its structural environmental testing on the Elytra qualification model
NEWS - Turion Space
Turion completed vibration qualification testing of their maiden satellite DROID.001
NEWS - Momentus Space
Momentus Completes Vibration Testing of Vigoride-7 Orbital Service Vehicle at Experior Laboratories
NEWS - SpinLaunch
SpinLaunch Satellite completes vibration and thermal vacuum testing of ruggedized components
NEWS - Impulse Space
Impulse Space completed Vibration Testing of their No 1 Mira Spacecraft leading up to their fall launch
NEWS - Terran Orbital System
NEWS - XONA Space Systems
NEWS - Momentus Space
NEWS - Sierra Space
Testing Standards and Procedures:

Astrobotics Griffin Structural Test Model (STM)

Sine Vibration
• Sine Dwell (fixed freq)
• Resonant Dwell (phase tracked)
• Sine Burst
• Windmilling
Acceleration Testing
The main advantage of the Sine Burst is that it is performed on a vibration system, the same vibration system that performs other tests such as random and/or sine sweep vibration and shock testing. Further, test article sizes can be much larger and heavier than in a Centrifuge. Performing all dynamic tests on the same vibration system reduces test costs and time.

Pyroshock testing simulates the high G, high-frequency shock environment associated with pyrotechnic events, such as rocket stage separations. These are sometimes called “SRS Shock” tests, as they are specified with a Shock Response Spectrum (SRS) profile. This profile is a representation of the maximum predicted acceleration of a system across a range of assumed natural frequencies.
Experior Laboratories’ Kinetic Impact Pyroshock Simulation (KIPS) test systems are able to simulate near and midfield Pyroshock, experienced by components closest to a pyrotechnic event, using a high-speed impact to excite a tunable resonant beam. Adjusting the impact force, location and damping, this platform allows for highly customizable shock generation and the pneumatic systems allow for quick setup and reset.
Adjustable resonance allows boosting acceleration in only the desired frequency range. For shocks with a specified Te (event duration), adjustable muzzle velocity, impact mass, and custom damping materials allow us to customize shock duration while meeting acceleration requirements.
The KIPS test systems offer short transients, narrow differences between positive and negative SRS traces, and a uniform shock input that allows for near-equal measurements at multiple fixture mounting points.
Experior Labs has designed a wide variety of custom shock platforms and fixtures, and we’ve used frequency analysis software to identify mode shapes and resonant frequencies, which lets us prevent cross-axis acceleration and ensure that units are not over-tested.
Shaker Shock
Experior Laboratories performs SRS Shock testing with levels up to 5000 G on the T2000 Shakers, making Experior Labs the industry leader in SRS Shaker Shock. Most test labs cannot offer Shaker Shock testing above 500 – 1,000 G SRS due to risk of shaker armature damage.

Thermal Vacuum
Experior Laboratories’ vacuum test chambers are designed to meet the harsh requirements of space conditions. Experior Labs is capable of simulated space along with repeated cycling between high and low temperature extremes – all while providing test data to better assess likely flight mission performance and function.
Fast Ramp Temperature Testing
Experior Laboratories has several accelerated thermal chambers with high-flow blower motors and liquid nitrogen boost designed to transition temperature as quickly as possible, and are ideal for tests with demanding ramp rates.

Temperature Testing
Experior Laboratories test facility can simulate extreme low cryogenic temperatures for aerospace, fiberoptic and electrical applications. Our cryogenic chambers have liquid nitrogen and liquid helium tanks piped in for rapid chilling and freezing temperatures.
Many space components require Cryogenics Testing for parts and instruments exposed to the extreme temperatures in rockets and orbit.
Direct-Field Acoustic Testing

Experior Laboratories, Inc and DNB Engineering, Inc. are partnering with the mutual goal of offering the most comprehensive overall service portfolio and generating substantial impact for strategic proposals. The partnership promises to provide a superior client experience to our customers within the Aerospace, Military, Automotive, Telecommunication, and Medical industries.
Cleanroom Capacity
Experior Laboratories’ 11,000 square foot dynamics testing facility is an ISO8 / Class 100,000 compliant cleanroom, verified and monitored to operate within a temperature range of 71.6°F ± 5.4°F and humidity range of 45% ± 15%.
Portable Class 100,000 Cleanroom
Experior Labs also offers portable Class 100,000 cleanroom capability to turn any workspace into a cleanroom workspace.
Vibration & Shock Testing Expertise

Grace Beech
Grace Beech is one of the project engineers at Experior Laboratories, primarily focused in Dynamics. She is responsible for most of the vibration testing and shock testing performed at Experior Labs. Grace manages various aspects of the vibration testing lab, including fixture design and evaluation, program management, vibration testing capability evaluation, shaker troubleshooting and maintenance, and scheduling.
Grace joined Experior Laboratories in 2014. She brought with her prior engineering experience from her work with Zodiac Aerospace’s business class seating segment, and also from her time as a manufacturing engineer in the vibration testing department at TriSep Corporation. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Gerrit Lane
Gerrit Lane joined the Experior Laboratories engineering team in 2015 and has since overseen the successful completion of over 150 environmental test programs. Specializing in dynamics testing and applications, Gerrit has led the design of Experior Laboratories’ pyroshock simulation test system (KIPS), and has designed several custom suites of standard fixtures for vibration testing and shock testing applications.
Gerrit holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Kevin Sullivan
Kevin comes to Experior Laboratories with over thirty years’ experience in dynamic testing applications. During his career at Aerojet Rocketdyne he specialized in combined test environments including cryogenically conditioned and pressurized test articles associated with rocket engine components, and supported programs as diverse as the Space Shuttle, International Space Station, expendable rocket propulsion systems, and kinetic energy defense programs. Kevin holds a BSEE from the University of Wyoming.