Telecom Testing
GR-326-CORE Testing
Generic Requirements for Single Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies
GR-326-CORE, Generic Requirements for Single Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies, test singlemode connectors used for joining optical fiber cables. Both ultra polished connector (UPC) and angled polished connector (APC) of all housing types (SC, LC, FC, etc) are within the scope of this requirements document. The connector’s mating adapter is also covered. Samples with multimode fibers are not applicable to this GR. The tests found in Sections 3, 4, 6, and 7 replicate a product that is installed in different outdoor environments (temperatures and humidity), underground areas (manholes), mechanical usage, etc.
GR-326 testing simulates field use in different indoor and outdoor environments such as office buildings and manholes, respectively. During testing, plug connectors are assembled to form either a pigtail or jumper assemblies. A pigtail is assembled by connecting one mating adaptor and two plugs while a jumper is assembled using two mating adaptors, two plugs and one patchcord. Mating adaptors are used to properly align ferrules together.
When installed in the field, a GR-326 qualified optical connector should be reliable and maintain its optical performance for years. Other requirements such as dimensional requirements, reliability requirements, and quality requirements are covered.
GR-326-CORE, Generic Requirements for Single Mode Optical Connectors and Jumper Assemblies requires dozens of test samples to fully qualify a product. The entire test program can be long and complicated. Experior Labs has the project management personnel to successfully complete a GR-326 test program. Clients are consistently updated on project status and at the end of every test, receive well-documenting datasheets of results and events.

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