Telecom Testing
GR-3155-CORE Testing
Generic Requirements for Microducts for Fiber Optic Cables
Fiber microducts help deploy fiber and cables to the premises (home, office, etc). The general requirements specified in GR-3155 describe testing a group of microducts to ensure it can withstand compression, vibration, temperatre stressing, and other factors it might experience over it’s lifecycle. The document also cover couplers, pull-lines and other related hardware.
Some microduct testing include;
• Compression – the product shall be subjected to a load of 150 pounds between two metal plates, at 50 degrees celsius. After the test the product shall show no evidence of damage such as rupture and cracking.
• Ultraviolet (UV) – the product shall be exposed to 1000 or 1500 hours of testing per ASTM G 155 or ASTM G154, respectively. The product shall be inspected after the test and any craze or crack shall be noted.

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