Telecom Testing
GR-3152-CORE Testing
Generic Requirements for Hardened Multi-Fiber Optical Connectors (HMFOCs)
GR-3152-CORE testing proposes requirements to qualify hardened multi-fiber optical connectors (HMFOC). The plug (male) and jack (female) components are also covered in qualification. The hardened multi-fiber optical connectors are intended to provide drop connections to/from terminals in fiber distribution networks.
The HMFOC products are designed to withstand climatic conditions in the U.S. These conditions include severe weather climates with temperatures ranging from -40°C to 70°C. During its operation, the HMFOC must be able to operate properly while exposed to hindering elements; testing in GR-3152 mimics these exposures by calling out tests in GR-326-CORE, Issue 4, such as the following:
Flex Test – flexes the samples in intervals of 90° with an applied load per TIA/EIA-455-1, samples are measured for optical performance.
Extended Humidity – samples shall experience cable shrinkage after 2000 hours, Testing conditions are found in either MIL-STD-883 or TIA/EIA-455-5 – etc.

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