Telecom Testing
GR-1435-CORE Testing
Generic Requirements for Multi-Fiber Optical Connectors
GR-1435-CORE testing aims to qualify singlemode multi-fiber optical connectors (MFOC). MFOCs are used for joining singlemode optical fibers. Fiber types tested can be Media Type I, II, and/or III where each type will have specific conditions. The following are some examples listed in GR-1435:
- Flex, Twist, Proof Test, and Transmission with Applied Load testing: Mechanically stresses the samples while mounted to a fixture.
- TIA/EIA-455-16 Salt Spray: Exposes the samples to levels of salinity.
- Airborne Contaminants in accordance with GR-63-CORE and ASTM B827-05: Samples are exposed to various chemicals – Cl2, H2S, NO2, and SO2.
The use of a MFOC in the field can eliminate the necessity of field splicing and will therefore, save on time and finances. Installation of the product can serve as low-cost switch for optical testing.
Experior Laboratories’ facility has been inspected for proper preparation for testing to this GR by an external group. Experior is well equipped with test equipment and procedures to conduct all mechanical, environmental, dimension, and optical tests in GR-1435. The only exception is the environmental tests that are broken up in two sets (Uncontrolled and Controlled).

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