Trusted Suppliers
Experior Labs provides the following list for informational purposes only. We have no affiliation with the organizations listed. Most equipment manufacturers, service providers or software developers listed are people we know and trust. Our recommendation should never take the place of your own research.
Verisurf Solution Suites are designed to address today’s most common measurement and reporting needs. Pulling from Verisurf Application Modules, the Solution Suites deliver high performance, efficiency, and cost-effective answers for quality verification and increased productivity in manufacturing.
DNB Engineering
Electromagnetic Compatibility (emc) and Electromagnetic Interference (emi) Testing
X-Ray Analysis Services
ARS provides Direct Field Acoustic Test Services for components, subassemblies, spacecraft and rockets.

Diversified Vacuum Inc.

Dytran specializes in designing and manufacturing custom high-end sensors, including piezoelectric and MEMS accelerometers, dynamic force and pressure transducers, USB accelerometers with software included, and digital bus-based sensors. The company also offers a broad line of impulse hammers, electronics, cables and accessories for all your dynamic measurement needs. Dytran has been serving the test and measurement community with innovative products and outstanding customer service for over 30 years. The company has established its reputation as an industry leader by working closely with customers in developing unique solutions to its test and measurement challenges.

The Modal Shop

Nanovac AB

PCB Piezotronics, Inc.

Vibration Research
Vibration Research (VR) designs and manufactures vibration control systems and data acquisition systems for vibration testing on electrodynamic and servohydraulic shakers. Since 1995, VR has become a pioneer in the industry and the leader in vibration control and data acquisition. Advanced hardware capabilities and software support combined with powerful, user-friendly software make Vibration Research controllers the premier choice of testing labs around the globe.